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Tommy travellers
(UK), a new website featuring stories and photos of independant travel. It also
features a tips page where he can offer free advice and tips to any of the places he has
travelled to in the last 6 years. Great stories, photos, facts, tips and more - all free,
2002, by Tommy.
Yosemite (USA) , 2001 - by Ben
Giuseppe's Travel
sories (Italy) - by Giuseppe
Switzerland -
by Els
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Cold B.... and Waterfalls by
Ben (England)
This is a warning to all of you that have felt compelled to swim bare arsed in some piece
of private paradise that you convinced yourself you discovered. It is also a warning to
anyone that does not plan things in advance.
My trip to Yosemite did not go at all to plan, looking back its because I didnt have
one. My first problem was checking in to the hostel, as I had convinced myself I
could simply turn up and find a bed for the night. The trouble was that every single other
guest had made reservations, meaning I had to sit around for about three hours scratching
my dirty bits while they all checked in. Eventually I was allowed to stay, so after
finding a bunk, I treated myself to one of the hostels delicious meals, brought a bottle
of red wine and proceeded to dribble out my tales of adventure to anyone I thought needed
to listen.
The next day some of the other guests informed me they were heading into the park and
although I was reluctant to deny them the further pleasure of my company, I decided to get
some supplies, so I jumped on the bus to Mariposa.
Once on the bus I soon discovered the only return bus to the hostel would leave within
half an hour of my arrival in Mariposa. However, the bus driver informed me that the buses
could often run up to a hour late, so I figured there was no real need to worry, besides
the ride only took ten minutes so I decided I could walk it in an hour if I had to.
Two hours later I realised that I had missed the bus, so for reassurance I asked the
nearby tourist information staff how long it would take to walk back to the hostel, I
assumed that if it was further than I had thought, they would take pity on me and drive me
there. They didnt give me a lift but they did inform me that it was at least a seven
hour walk. I spent the next twenty minutes wandering round the car park trying to catch
the eye of the owners of the winebagoes and lorries. The trouble was instead of coming
across as desperate and frightened I seemed to come across as a psycho with a shopping
bag. I thought about crying in an attempt to command some sympathy but one of the truckers
yelled what the hell you looking at boy, in my direction, so I decided to do a
After some deliberation I decided that my only option now was to hitch hike. It was not
something that I had done before but no one that I had met during my trip had experienced
any problems when they had done it. I was actually surprised at how easy it was. However,
I failed to think at the time that those who had encountered problems probably
wouldnt be telling anyone about them.
The first ride I caught took just ten minutes of hitching. Conversation was a little
restricted as the guy had spent most of his life in the woods, cutting down trees and
refused to hear about mine. However, he didnt have his chainsaw with him and dropped
me off about half way without threatening me so I felt quite happy by the time I caught
the second ride.
The second vehicle I climbed into was a banged up old pick up truck. As the truck pulled
up I could make out two featureless silhouettes in the front. One of which stuck its thumb
out of the window without saying a word and pointed to the back of the truck. I was having
far to much fun at this point to question the scenario and the idea of bombing down a
country highway in the back of a pick up truck was far to appealing, so I climbed in
without a word.
For about the first ten minutes of the journey I was having the time of my life, sitting
in the back of that truck with the wind blowing in my hair, fantastic landscape whizzing
by and little flies exploding on my teeth and forehead. But in an instant it all went
horribly wrong, and feelings of delight turned to terror as the truck swung violently to
the right down a dirt track off the main highway and away from the hostel. My heart sank
as fear and sickness began to rise in my stomach. I looked down as dust from the dirt
track flew beneath me, too fast to jump without breaking my legs. My mind flooded with
that squeal piggy squeal scene from Deliverance . I sat motionless as we sped
further into the blackening forest. After an eternity the truck began to slow as the road
opened into a clearing. Scanning desperately for signs of rescue I saw nothing but a beat
up old trailer, the dirt around it littered with refuge, and a small childs
tricycle, which awoke the panic inside me. These people ate children!!. I
reached for the petrol can that lay beside me, ready to pummel the head of whoever stepped
out of the pick up. The truck ground to a halt and the drivers door swung open, my
grip tightening on the petrol can when
an old boy of about eighty in his dungarees
stepped out of the truck, sorry you had to ride in the back I think is what he
said. I said it was fine and we helped his wife, who had emerged from the passenger side,
with the shopping. Two minutes later he drove me back to the hostel.
On my second day in Yosemite I caught a bus into the park with a young Manchurian fella
and a Dutch lady, whom I had entranced the night before by spitting my story of the
previous days excitement at, after downing three pints and a couple of double whiskeys to
calm my shredded nerves. After leaving the bus I found the pure country air soon sorted my
head out and feeling cocky after almost being butchered I convinced the others to attempt
the Yosemite Falls Trail. The guidebook said six hours but we convinced ourselves we could
do it in three, with half an hour to spare to make sure we caught the last bus. Our ascent
began at a pretty brisk pace and we only stopped to go ohh and ahh at the spectacular
views of the Valley Floor and surrounding mountains. It was not long before the top was in
sight and we were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves. However, just as our legs began
to sag, with the top of the mountain in reaching distance, we turned a corner and found
that some tit in Gods creation department had decided to chuck in a second tier to the
waterfall, which was higher and steeper than the one we had just climbed. Needless to say
I thought of sticking my fingers up at the waterfall and walking back down the mountain.
However, I am extremely glad to say that I didnt, because although there were times
I thought the muscles in my legs were going to burst through my skin, the view from the
top of the worlds third highest waterfall was spectacular. The river feeding the
falls had created a vast gorge that engulfed me as I walked down it toward the lip of the
falls and once at the lip the sight below of a thousand shades of green and blue emanating
from the valley floor was fantastic. At eye level for three hundred and sixty degrees were
fantastic views of vast rock formations, including The ˝ Dome and El Capitan and on the
ground I could just make out the thousands of insect people milling around the Valley
Floor. This might make you vomit but it was nature at its grandest.
Once I had finished taking pictures of the spectacle I thought Id impress some of
the ladies my throwing myself off some of the rocks into the deep rock pools near to the
mouth of the waterfall. They didnt seem to impressed with my actions but I was
having too much fun to care and the glacier water certainly was the tonic for my aching
bones. I was having so much fun in fact that I lost track of time. Eventually one of my
compadres realised and with an hour to spare before the last bus we proceeded to fly down
the mountain, occasionally taking the odd old duffer, who happened to be in the way, along
for the ride. We made the bus but only just and slept all the way back to the hostel.
On the final day I awoke too late to head into the park with my new friends, so I caught
the later bus and decided to take the Vernal and Nevada Falls Trail as they were the only
two waterfalls working and the climb looked easy enough. The walk proceeded with very
little incident until I reached the Vantage Point for Vernal Falls. The trouble was that
the falls were a long way off and I wanted a closer look. The path looked like it was
veering away from the waterfall, so I decided to risk almost certain death, brave the
torrent of water and clamber up the trickling stream to the foot of the falls. It took me
a while but the climb was well worth the effort. As my head emerged from the last boulder
I encountered the most breathtaking scene that I have ever seen. I was so excited I almost
wet meself. Below me was a pool of clear blue, into which fell a constant and powerful
crescendo of water, which caused an earie mist and a perfect circular rainbow. It
wasnt long before I realised I was entirely alone and soon convinced myself that I
had found my own piece of private paradise. I felt like I was at one with nature, so I got
After shedding the skin of capitalist society I scrambled up the rocks like some demented
old mental patient and threw myself into the pool, white arse and belly flapping from the
force of my descent. As I was falling a huge flash exploded above my head and for a minute
I thought I had arrived in the Garden of Eden. As soon as my head broke the surface I
realised I wasnt. The air exploded with bright flashes of light but it was no divine
being that created them. It was Japanese tourists. In an instant my proud natural state
had was reduced to a beer belly, saggy man breasts, two Sun Dried Raisins and a Twiglet
(Glacier water is very cold).
I quickly crept out of the water and put my clothes back on. However, the rest of my hike
and time in Yosemite was now marred by this embarrassment and I was afraid to stop and
investigate any other beauty spots, for fear of being surrounded by camera wielding
tourists. After all the effort in Los Angeles I had finally become a celebrity. The
trouble was it was not the sort of notoriety I wanted.
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